1,000+ VCE students tutored
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Maximise your VCE Philosophy score with the best tutors in Melbourne

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VCE Philosophy

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Toni H

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1 day ago
We have loved for years the excellent tutorial support and care. We highly recommend this company to anyone.

Debbi V

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3 days ago
Apex Tutoring has been amazing for our son. Our tutor has been flexible with how often we need her and is very knowledgeable.

Melissa K

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7 days ago
Very happy with Apex for my two sons aged 13 and 16. The serve is flexible and have been matched with a great and friendly tutor.

Catherine S

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8 days ago
Apex Tuition have been a pleasure to deal with from my very first enquiry. They made the effort to get to know our daughter's requirements for tuition and have offered two excellently equipped tutors.

Rebecca B

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1 week ago
I am so glad we discovered Apex Tuition.  We are thrilled with our tutor - a uni student who has extensive knowledge and having not been that long out of school, really understands the curriculum and how to succeed at school.

Debbi V

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
1 week ago
Apex Tutoring have been amazing for my son. Our tutor has been flexible with how often we need her and is very knowledgeable. We cannot speak any more highly of Apex Tutoring.
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Five stars
1,000+ VCE students tutored

Maximise your VCE Philosophy score with the best tutors in Melbourne

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1st session satisfaction guarantee
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Average student grade increase by ~23%
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Toni H

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
1 day ago
We have loved for years the excellent tutorial support and care. We highly recommend this company to anyone.

Debbi V

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
3 days ago
Apex Tutoring has been amazing for our son. Our tutor has been flexible with how often we need her and is very knowledgeable.

Melissa K

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
7 days ago
Very happy with Apex for my two sons aged 13 and 16. The serve is flexible and have been matched with a great and friendly tutor.

Catherine S

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
8 days ago
Apex Tuition have been a pleasure to deal with from my very first enquiry. They made the effort to get to know our daughter's requirements for tuition and have offered two excellently equipped tutors.

Rebecca B

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
1 week ago
I am so glad we discovered Apex Tuition.  We are thrilled with our tutor - a uni student who has extensive knowledge and having not been that long out of school, really understands the curriculum and how to succeed at school.

Debbi V

Star ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratingsStar ratings
1 week ago
Apex Tutoring have been amazing for my son. Our tutor has been flexible with how often we need her and is very knowledgeable. We cannot speak any more highly of Apex Tutoring.
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see what our clients are Telling us

Star ratings

I highly recommend Louis as a tutor for Chemistry and Maths! He has been instrumental in helping Daniel understand complex concepts and formulas in both subjects. Thanks to Louis's patient and engaging teaching style, Daniel has improved his grades and his confidence in tackling challenging problems.

Mother of Daniel, class of 2022
Parent profile picture testimonial

Jasper has been incredible for Finn! He has made a tremendous impact on Finn's academic performance and self-confidence. Thanks to Jasper's personalized approach and dedication, Finn has improved both his grades and his attitude towards learning.

Mother of Finn, class of 2022
Parent profile picture testimonial

Mia had always found Maths difficult so for her final year of school we contacted Apex to organise a tutor for us. Mia was paired with Alex. Alex and Mia would organise everything together finding times that would work for both of them. Alex was always punctual and helpful. Mia was very grateful to have Alex help her through Year 12.

Father of Finn, class of 2022
Parent profile picture testimonial

Max was a great tutor who really cared about me as a student. As someone who really found Maths difficult I really appreciated the time that Max took to explain concepts to me in a way that I could understand. At times he as more of a very smart friend than a tutor. Ultimately, he helped me achieved the score in Maths that I needed to get into my University course.

Student, class of 2021
Parent profile picture testimonial

During her final year of school, Sam decided to get a tutor. Apex were able to organise a fantastic tutor for us on such short notice. Everything was organised within a few days. Emma provided Sam with valuable insights on how to best excel in her final exams. I highly recommend Apex Tuition Australia to any parent seeking extra help for their children.

Mother of Sam , class of 2021
Parent profile picture testimonial

Rian did much better in mathematics and, for sure, getting a tutor from Apex was was a big part of that. Francesco and Rain got along straight away. He respected him, and looked forward to the sessions. Francesco was patient with Rian and always had the knowledge needed to help Rian improve. I will definitely continue to use Apex for our future tutoring needs.

Mother of Rian , class of 2021
Parent profile picture testimonial
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Finding a VCE Philosophy Tutor in Melbourne
Has Never Been Easier

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1. Fill out an online form

Complete a two-minute application form which will be received by one of our dedicated Operations Managers.
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2. Get matched with a tutor

Each application is reviewed. Then, students are matched with a tutor based on their individual needs.
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3. Tutor makes contact

Once the tutor has confirmed their availability, they will get in contact with you to organise a session.
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4. Have your first lesson

Have your session at your desired location. Our tutors will work around your schedule to organise a session.
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Increased Scores in School

Check out some of our
Fantastic VCE Philosophy Tutors

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Rhianna G

English Literature
Rhianna is an experienced tutor who is dedicating to helping her students build their confidence and succeed, not just in their subjects, but as writers and learners. Her tutoring approach involves assessing the individual needs of each student, crafting a schedule suited to develop their unique challenges, and using targeted feedback to develop their critical thinking skills. In this way, she aims to help her students realise their academic potential, helping them gain the confidence to 'help themselves' through a problem come exam time by using the techniques studied in her lessons. Having graduated from Melbourne Girls Grammar in 2020 with an ATAR of 99.40, Rhianna’s focus is on exam preparation and tailoring students’ writing skills to meet the demands of a question, employing a multi-disciplinary approach to help her students succeed across a range of subjects. She achieved a raw study score of 47 in Biology, and 42 in both English Literature and Philosophy, continuing to develop her academic skills at ANU studying a double degree of Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) and Medical Science. Drawing on an extensive sample of practice essays and questions, Rhianna aims to inspire adaptability in her students, helping them to simplify complex exam-style tasks into easily identifiable goals which can be met under time pressure - a skill which is applicable to both the science and humanities subjects she tutors. Her experience as a high school tutor, and as a personal and academic mentor for younger university students, means Rhianna prioritises regular communication and check-ins with her students, ensuring their learning goals are met, and that her tutoring approach remains flexible. Developing a relationship of trust, approachability and mutual learning with students is what she regards as key to the success of her lessons.
Tutor picture

Hugh W

History (Revolutions)
Hugh completed his VCE studies at Ballarat Grammar in 2021, graduating with an ATAR of 93.45. Hugh was able to achieve high scores of 40 in both English and History Revolutions, and 42 in Psychology. These subjects are a passion of Hugh's, as he has continued his pursuits with these studies in University. He is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History at the University of Melbourne. Hugh's teaching style is nurturing, personable and engaging, as he strives to use his passion to make the difficult, content heavy subjects more enjoyable. Taking a more encouraging approach to teaching, Hugh understands how complex these subjects can be, and strives to make the content more understandable by simplifying its dense nature through everyday language, and relating its content to current events.
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The tutors you see above are just a selection from our team of hundreds of tutors, please contact our Operations Team to discuss further tutoring options
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VCE Philosophy
If you are not happy after your first session, we will give you a 100% refund and find you another tutor!
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Why 500+ VCE Philosophy Students in Are Choosing Apex Tuition Australia

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Best tutors in the state with median ATAR of 99.00

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All tutors are verified and have a WWCC

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Tutoring options for in-person and online

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No lock-in contracts and payments managed online

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Online management and payment saves time and hassle

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tutoring arrangements

There is Only One Choice For Your Tutoring Partner in

Tutoring marketplaces
Independent tutors
Tutors are vetted, confirmed high-achievers and have a verified WWCC
Online, in-person and group tutoring available
Tutors available for all subjects, all ages and all locations
Flexibility to try new tutors and organise replacement tutors
1st session satisfaction guarantee
Easy to manage online payments
Dedicated management team focussed on organise your tutoring

VCE Tutors Trusted by VCE parents from the top schools in melbourne


Organise VCE Philosophy Tutoring Whenever And Wherever You Want

In-person tutoring


VCE Philosophy

tutoring in


  • Flexible tutoring options such as at your home or local library
  • Tutor will come to you whenever is convenient
  • Reduce the number of distractions with face-to-face one-on-one tutoring
  • Students are more focused when receiving tutoring in-person
  • Tutors and students form a bond quicker when delivering tutoring sessions in-person
Online tutoring


VCE Philosophy

tutoring in


  • Access to a larger number of Apex’s tutors which is not restricted by your specific location
  • Much more flexibility to arrange tutoring sessions
  • Eliminate any effort or time that is invovled with commuting
  • Tutors are all trained and equipped to deliver tutoring online with video chat and interactive whiteboards
  • Students today are all very experienced with learning online

We Have VCE Philosophy Tutors All Across Melbourne

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If you don’t see your location here, we can still help you! Our tutors are 100% mobile and can come to you wherever you are. We have just listed some of our more popular locations below. Additionally, all of our tutors are trained to deliver tutoring virtually.
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If you don’t see your location here, we can still help you! Our tutors are 100% mobile and can come to you wherever you are. We have just listed some of our more popular locations below. Additionally, all of our tutors are trained to deliver tutoring virtually.

Our most frequently asked questions about Apex Tuition Australia

Have any questions now answered here? Get in contact with us and we will respond as soon as possible

Tutoring session
How do I start tutoring?
Where can I get tutoring?
How often does tutoring occurs?
Is tutoring the right option for my child?
How much does it cost for a private tutor?
What subjects do you teach?
Who are the tutors?
How do I pay?
How do I stop tutoring?
If I am not happy with the tutor can I try another one?
Do your tutors know the current curriculum?
Is there a free trial?

Ready to Start VCE Philosophy Tutoring?

Join over 1,000+ students who have chosen Apex Tuition Australia as their VCE Philosophy tutoring partner. Our VCE tutors in Melbourne have the insights and strategies required for achieving success in the VCE.

Start tutoring today!

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Check out some of our most popular services below