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Everything You Need to Know For HSC English Advanced

Explore English Advanced, a demanding course for HSC students in New South Wales, designed to enhance analytical and critical thinking. This blog post offers comprehensive insights into mastering English Advanced for HSC.

Isabella Martinez
Learning Advisor
March 5, 2024
min read

English Advanced is one of the English courses available to HSC students in New South Wales. It is considered one of the more challenging English courses, aimed at students looking to further develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. This blog post will provide an in-depth look at everything you need to know about studying English Advanced for HSC.

What is English Advanced?

English Advanced is an HSC course that focuses on developing students' higher-order thinking skills when it comes to literature and language. It encourages students to engage critically with texts and explore complex ideas through reading, writing, and classroom discussion.

Some key features of English Advanced include:

  • It is an accredited HSC course in NSW
  • Considered more challenging than English Standard or English Studies
  • Focuses on advanced skills in comprehension, analysis, and composition
  • Only available to students in Year 11 and 12
  • Both a general and life skills course option available
English Advanced

The English Advanced course exposes students to sophisticated texts across a range of genres and media. This includes novels, plays, poetry, nonfiction, film, and digital texts from Australian and international sources.

Through close reading and discussion of such texts, students learn to analyse themes, language features, text structures, and writing styles. They also evaluate perspectives, ideas, and the social, cultural, and historical contexts of texts.

Writing forms a major part of the course as students compose analytical essays, creative writing pieces, speeches, reviews, reports, and more. Through these varied assessment tasks, they further develop their advanced literacy skills.

💡 English Advanced pushes students to think more critically about language and texts. It prepares them for university study and helps build advanced comprehension, analysis, research and communication capabilities.

Why study English Advanced?

There are many great reasons to study English Advanced for the HSC in NSW.

Develops Highly Valued Skills

English Advanced helps students build skills that are highly valued for university, careers, and life:

  • Critical thinking - Analysing complex ideas in texts through close reading, discussion, and writing
  • Literacy - Improving reading comprehension and developing sophisticated writing skills
  • Communication - Articulating insights both verbally and in analytical compositions
  • Research - Investigating information to support analysis and evaluate differing perspectives
  • Time management - Producing work to deadlines through effective planning and editing

Provides a Challenge

For students seeking an extra challenge:

  • Goes more in-depth than Standard or Studies English courses
  • Encourages deeper analysis and higher-order thinking
  • Tackles sophisticated ideas and challenging texts
  • Opportunity to push oneself intellectually

Preparation for Further Study

Ideal preparation for university courses:

preparation for further studies

Prerequisite for English Extension

In order to complete English Extension 1 and English Extension 2, you need to complete English Advanced as a pre-requisite.

Why topics are covered in English Advanced?

Year 11 topics

In Year 11, you will cover three major modules in English Advanced (source: English Advanced Stage 6 Syllabus 2017)

Year 11 English Advanced Topics

Reading to Write

In this module, students engage in close reading of diverse texts to understand complex ideas and enhance writing skills. They analyse texts thematically and stylistically, fostering critical thinking and creative responses. Through wide reading and reflection, students deepen their understanding of language and its application in different contexts. They also explore how various elements contribute to meaning and develop skills in comprehension, analysis, and expression.

Narratives that Shape our World

In this module, students study narratives spanning historical and contemporary contexts, exploring their role in connecting cultures, inspiring change, and shaping cultural practices. They analyse texts across different media to understand how context and values influence narrative construction. Through their own compositions, students gain confidence in expressing personal and societal themes creatively. They also examine narrative conventions and rhetorical devices to enhance their writing skills.

reading to write

Critical Study of Literature

This module fosters students' analytical and critical skills in engaging with literary texts. Emphasising understanding of textual integrity, students study one text, analysing its construction, content, and language to form personal interpretations supported by research. They explore contexts, consider diverse perspectives, and create their own creative and critical texts, refining language skills while deepening their connection and understanding of the studied text.

Year 12 topics

In Year 12, you will cover four major modules in English Advanced (source: English Advanced Stage 6 Syllabus 2017)

Year 12 English Advanced topics

Texts and Human Experiences

In this module, students explore how texts depict human experiences and emotions, analysing language's role in shaping representations across various forms and media. They delve into the complexities of human behaviour, considering storytelling's historical significance in reflecting cultures. By engaging with prescribed and related texts, they hone skills in comprehension, analysis, and expression, utilising literary devices and personal reflections to interpret and evaluate texts effectively.

Textual Conversations

In this module, students delve into comparative text analysis, examining resonances and dissonances between texts. They explore how re-framing aspects of one text can mirror or clash with another. Through this, they understand how composers are influenced by various factors, shaping meaning. They analyse textual features, contexts, and values of two prescribed texts, enhancing their understanding and appreciation. Through critical and creative responses, they develop analytical skills and express informed perspectives.


Critical Study of Literature

This module focuses on deepening students' analytical and critical understanding of a significant literary work. Through close examination of its construction, content, and language, students form personal interpretations supported by detailed evidence. They explore contextual factors, evaluate differing perspectives, and express their own views creatively and critically. Engaging deeply with the text enhances their personal and intellectual connection, enabling them to articulate its value and significance effectively.

The Craft of Writing

In this writing module, students enhance their skills by writing for different audiences and purposes, using language effectively. They analyse various texts, both prescribed and from their own reading, to understand creative language use. Through studying past and contemporary texts, they evaluate language versatility and aesthetics. Students engage in pre-writing discussions, experiment with literary devices during drafting, and refine their work through editing, aiming for polished compositions.

Are there any prerequisites for English Advanced?

There are no defined prerequisites foe English advanced but it is designed for students who have advanced literacy skills and capabilities:

  • High-level critical reading and comprehension skills
  • Ability to analyse complex language features, text structures and ideas
  • Flair for sophisticated creative writing and experimenting with prose
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Well-developed research and academic referencing capabilities

What skills / capabilities are required to do English Advanced?

English Advanced requires strong reading, writing, analysis, and communication skills. Students should be able to:

  • Closely read and analyse complex fiction and non-fiction texts across a range of genres
  • Write persuasively and analytically in response to texts and prompts
  • Construct coherent written arguments with depth of ideas and supporting evidence
  • Communicate complex ideas effectively through speech and writing
  • Think critically about language, texts, ideas and how meaning is shaped

The course has a heavy focus on developing advanced literacy skills. Students who enjoy reading, analysing texts, and articulating interpretations in writing will be well-suited.


What type of students should do English Advanced?

English Advanced is suitable for students who:

  • Have a passion for reading and writing across a diverse range of text types
  • Enjoy analysing sophisticated ideas, text structures and how meaning is conveyed
  • Are independent learners capable of critically evaluating different perspectives
  • Can construct complex written responses with depth of ideas and supporting textual evidence
  • Aim to enhance their literacy skills and better prepare for university level English

The course will appeal to academic high achievers with an innate curiosity about language, literature and big ideas. The self-directed learning and advanced conceptual study required demands maturity and initiative. English Advanced is the most intensive English course in the HSC syllabus, and aims to stretch students' analytical and creative abilities.

How is English Advanced assessed?

English Advanced has both school-based assessments and external HSC examinations.

School-based assessments (50%)

These tasks are set by teachers to assess students' analytical, creative and critical thinking skills:

  • Critical Response (15%): A sustained, analytic response interpreting one or more texts. Examiners look for an insightful, considered interpretation supported by textual evidence.
  • Module C - The Craft of Writing (15%): A creative piece AND a reflection statement. The creative piece should demonstrate skill, imagination and an understanding of how texts construct meaning. The reflection analyses creative choices made.
  • Research Project (20%): An investigative research report on a texts and textual forms theme (2,000 - 3,500 words). Examiners assess understanding of research methodologies and ability to synthesise research sources to support a coherent position.

Source: Assessment and Reporting in English Advanced Stage 6

HSC exam (50%)

The exam assesses knowledge, understanding and skills developed across the course:

  • Paper 1 (25%) - Examines Module A: Textual Conversations (2 hour exam)
  • Paper 2 (25%) - Examines Module B: Critical Study of Literature and Module C: The Craft of Writing (2 hours 15 mins exam)

Strong analytical and essay writing skills under exam conditions are essential to succeed.

HSC Exam

Source: Assessment and Reporting in English Advanced Stage 6


The exams are scaled (adjusted) to account for differences in difficulty across exam years and to align marks with historical standards. Better performance in the exam leads to a higher scaled mark and thus a higher band result/ATAR.

Here are some links to past HSC exams:

Year Exam Marking Guidelines
2023 English Standard Exam Paper 1 2023

English Standard Exam Paper 2 2023
Paper 1 Marking Guidelines

Paper 2 Marking Guidelines
2022 English Standard Exam Paper 1 2022

English Standard Exam Paper 2 2022
Paper 1 Marking Guidelines

Paper 2 Marking Guidelines
2021 English Standard Exam Paper 1 2021

English Standard Exam Paper 2 2021
Paper 1 Marking Guidelines

Paper 2 Marking Guidelines
2020 English Standard Exam Paper 1 2020

English Standard Exam Paper 2 2020
Paper 1 Marking Guidelines

Paper 2 Marking Guidelines
2019 English Standard Exam Paper 1 2019

English Standard Exam Paper 2 2019
Paper 1 Marking Guidelines

Paper 2 Marking Guidelines

Tips to succeed in English Advanced

English Advanced moves at a fast pace and demands a proactive approach. Here are some tips for HSC students to succeed:

1. Read voraciously: This course requires reading challenging texts across a diverse range of genres, periods and styles. Expose yourself to unfamiliar writing styles - don't just stick to what you enjoy. Expanding your literary repertoire is key.

2. Know the syllabus intricately: Unpack the syllabus to understand exactly what skills and content matter is assessed. Analyse previous exam questions. Clearly comprehending expectations is vital.

3. Practice responding to complex texts: Writing analytic responses under timed conditions that interpret sophisticated ideas and metalanguage is crucial. Practice crafting cohesive arguments supported by textual evidence.

4. Refine advanced writing techniques: Enhance your vocabulary, sentence structure, and ability to craft nuanced arguments. Write often - daily if possible. Good writing becomes great through constant refinement.

5. Discuss texts and ideas: Converse with classmates, teachers, tutors to widen your perspective. Clearly articulating interpretations vocally helps structure written responses.

6. Proactively drive your learning: This is a self-directed course that empowers student inquiry. Cultivate an intrinsic motivation and take charge of your learning.

By committing to these success strategies from the start, students can maximise their English Advanced achievement. The work is demanding, but tremendously rewarding.


What resources are available for English Advanced?

There are many useful resources to help students succeed in English Advanced:

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

  • Official English Advanced syllabus
  • Past HSC exam papers and marking guidelines
  • Samples of band 6 student responses




Personalised tutoring can greatly boost English Advanced performance.

Apex Tuition Australia provide exceptional HSC English tutors who were top grade achievers themselves. Their expert tutors fully comprehend the syllabus expectations and marking standards. They create personalised lesson plans targeting each student's weaknesses to rapidly advance their skills. With proven teaching strategies stemming from their own HSC exam success, Apex's English tutors are perfectly positioned to mentor students towards English Advanced excellence.

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